And though she had managed to broaden access to diaphragms and condoms, women still did not have a foolproof method of birth control. 尽管在她的努力之下,子宫帽和避孕套的使用得以进一步推广,但这仍然无法为妇女提供完全的避孕保证。
Popular with the people in the Shanxi province and Gansu province, Guanzhong shadow play is still performed during the temple fairs, wedding ceremony, birth and funeral ceremonies, etc. 关中皮影流行于陕西、甘肃地区,经常在庙会、婚礼、生日、葬礼等场合演出。
We still consider that plausibility of the vaccine causing birth defects is low because it is a killed vaccine. 但我们仍认为,这种可能性不是很大,因为炭疽疫苗是一种死毒疫苗。
There still exist severe obstacles to the birth control policy in some rural and remote areas. 部分农村以及偏远地区的计划生育仍然阻力重重。
Even if somebody does small amount of service, and not even very willingly, still, he is assured to get human body in next birth, and chance to execute some service further. 即使有人做了很少的服务,甚至是不情愿的,他仍然肯定能在下一世得到人类的躯体,有机会继续做服务。
Most palestinians, even if they still do not think israel's birth at their expense was justified, accept that the place now has to be allowed to exist. 纵然大多数巴勒斯坦人仍然认为,牺牲巴勒斯坦人利益而建立以色列国是不正当的,但他们都认为应该允许以色列继续存在下去。
Pei Pei is still wearing a collar from Correctional services; he has birth certificate and also understands all the verbal commands! 比比仲带住惩教署的狗带架,比有出世纸,证书,而且识晒所以口令架!
Does the preparatory course that still says every school is enrolled give birth to the major that should read different? 还是说每个学校招的预科生要读的专业不一样?
They could store their food in granaries, and still afford to give birth every two years, if not more often. 他们可以把食物存于仓廪,供养得起每两年生一个孩子,如果说不是常常生得更多的话。
She still had not altogether recovered from john's birth. 她生了约翰以后,身体还没有完全复原。
He is still the youngest human, by birth, ranger. 他目前仍是最年轻的人力,因出生,浪人。
While some girls are cast out after delivering and weaning a boy, Suman still lives in the household following the birth of her own, though says she is beaten when she displeases her in-laws. 一些生下男孩的女子,等到孩子断奶后就会被赶走,但苏曼生下儿子后仍然留在了这个家里。不过她说,每次惹公婆不高兴了,她就会挨打。
This way of counting the years is just the AD chronology which is still used around the world up to date: before the birth of Jesus is known as BC and after the birth of Jesus is called AD. 这一纪年方法正是全世界至今仍在使用的公元纪年法:耶稣出生之前称为公元前(B.C。),耶稣出生之后称为公元后(A.D。
Indeed in cultures where women still give birth exclusively in the company of other women, births tend to rely on fewer drugs and less surgical intervention. 在一些妇女分娩时仍然完全由女性陪伴的不同文化背景的社会里,妇女生产的确倾向于较少依赖药物或受手术的干预。
Old man: I'm still waiting on my birth certificate. 老头:我还在排队等我的出生证明。
A panoply has been set in motion, and defectiveness to some degree will still present at birth. 一整套系统已经开始运转,出生以后仍然会存在某种缺陷。
The area still suffers from a high incidence of birth defects and chronic illnesses, while activists say that the land surrounding the plant remains contaminated. 该地区目前胎儿先天畸型和一些慢性病的发病率仍然较高,另外,维权人士表示,农药厂周边的土地仍然处于受污染状态。
Unless these immigrants living abroad are still holding on their passports of the country of their birth origins, they should not be counted as diaspora. 除非那些移民依旧持有他们出生国家的护照,不然他们算不上是侨居。
I am both mother and father. I am seldom still yet I never wander. I never birth nor nurse. 我既是父亲也是母亲,我很少站立不动,但从不乱逛。我从不生养,也从不护理。
Still, too many women continue to die while giving birth and make less money than their male counterparts. 然而,仍然还有很多的多妇女死于分娩,挣的钱低于做同样工作的男性。
I've filled in the form, but you still need to insert your bank details and date of birth. 我已填了表,但你还需要添上你的储蓄详情和出生日期。
The complex chromosomal rearrangement could be transmitted stably in the family, but still the carriers could give birth to a healthy baby by chance. 染色体复杂重排仍可在家庭中稳定传递,携带者具有出生正常后代的可能。
It's hematopoietic function was declined at 120 days of gestation, but still existed after birth. In addition, the period from 100 days to 120 days of gestation was an important time for the fetal spleen to change from a hematopoietic organ to immune organ. 7光镜观察小尾寒羊胎儿脾脏的结果说明,在胎儿期脾脏为造血器官,造血功能在120天时开始下降,但在出生时仍具有造血功能。
From the perspective of the narrative, it analyzes the narrative pattern of the warrior films and comes to the conclusion that warrior film series still follows the pattern: a hero's birth, suffering, conquering the difficulties and finally being successful. 从英雄片的叙事角度出发,来分析香港古惑仔电影的叙事,得出古惑仔系列电影依然是一部英雄诞生、受难、克服困境、最后成功的神话及其叙事模式符合神话原型。
Still the birth rate, weakling piglet rate, deformity rate and mummy rate were decreased in the treatment group. 试验组仔猪的死胎率、弱仔率、畸形率和木乃伊率比对照组均有不同程度下降;
But pregnancy and birth prior marriage is still popular, more live birth is not stopped in rural areas; 但目前我国农村未婚先孕、先育仍相当普遍,多胎现象未被杜绝;
The cause of the more prevalent idiopathic PD are still uncertain. Etiology and pathogenesis of birth paralysis. 原发性PD的病因与发病机制至今尚不明了。
But compare with urban, the birth rate in rural is still higher, the birth rate is the important factor that restricts the income and consumption capability increasing. 但与城镇相对比,农村的生育率仍处于较高的水平,生育率仍是制约我国农村收入增长,人力资本投资型消费能力提高的决定性因素。